Allen McKinnon (1873)
The gravestone can be found on the right side of the cemetery, in the 2nd row.
The gravestone can be found on the right side of the cemetery, in the 2nd row.
The gravestone can be found on the left side of the cemetery, between the 2nd and 3rd rows.
At Big Pond on the 27th ult., after a protracted illness, which she bore with christian piety and resignation, Annie McKinnon, relict of the late Peter A. McPhee, in the 88th year of her age, leaving a large circle of friends to mourn her loss.
The deceased during her long life, endeared herself by many good qualities to all whom she came in contact with. During the 60 years which she lived at Big Pond she always was on the most cordial terms with her neighbors, and was ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy. Charitable to a degree the poor always found in her house a welcome, and were seldom allowed to leave empty handed. The fortitude and courage with which she bore her last painful illness, and with which she suffered for so long a period, was ample evidence of her christianity and goodness. Her remains were interred in St. Margaret’s cemetery on Sunday, and were followed to their last resting place by an unusually large funeral cortege. May her soul rest in peace!
Margaret McKinnon (d1836)
This gravestone can be found on the left side of the cemetery, between the 2nd and 3rd rows. There is no pre-restoration photo of this grave.