List of Burials - New and Old Cemetery
Update, February 20, 2020 - the Excel file has been posted to the Honouring Our Ancestors Facebook group.
Thanks to many hours of work by Kelly Stephen, we can now make available, to those who are interested, a complete listing of all burials in the Pioneer Cemetery, and in the New Cemetery, for the early 20th century.
In the Pioneer Cemetery, there are over 600 burials listed, which seems reasonable since the cemetery was in operation for about 100 years, and since the area once was once more densely populated than is currently the case.
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October 24, 2021
Below is an image of what is called a "Fan Chart", this is a new feature from That website is a free service, I believe it is owned by, but nonetheless, a free service, and they just introduced this new feature.
I find this really appealing as it makes it much easier to visualize the connections in your family tree, and to quickly see errors, or areas where more research is needed. If you are a member of my tree, and are interested, I can give you information on how to link into the tree, to reduce your setup time. My email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2020 - A "Bird's Eye View"
February 20, 2020 - A big thank you goes out to Gladys Holland, who passed on these photos of cemetery and surrounding area..
CLICK on any photo to enlarge it, and to start the slideshow, if desired.
Memorial Mass 2014
On July 27, the Annual Memorial Mass was held at the Pioneer Cemetery. Conditions were perfect, with a warm breeze, which was comfortable and kept the flys away. It was a lovely event, as you'll see in the photos.
The Mass was led by Father Jim Willick, and assisted by Father Gilles, who was visiting from his Parish in Cape Breton.
CLICK on any photo to enlarge it, and to start the slideshow, if desired.