We have been very fortunate to have had the support of the following individuals and organizations in the support of the restoration of the pioneer cemetery. If you are interested in supporting the ongoing preservation of the cemetery, or in the restoration of a specific gravestone, please contact us at admin @ peipioneercemetery.com (remove the spaces in the email here).
Platinum - $500 & over
- Bank of Nova Scotia, Morell, PEI
- Big Cape Historical Society, Big Cape, PEI
- Alan E. MacPhee (Home Hardware), Souris, PEI
- PEI Scottish Settlers Historical Society, Charlottetown, PEI
- St. Margaret's Parish, Fairfield RR#2, PEI
- Anonymous Donor
Gold - $250 - $499
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Geiger, Dearborn Heights, MI
- Donna and Robert King, Walpole, MA
- Alastair MacIsaac, Victoria, BC
- Roderick MacIsaac, Edmonton, AB
- Marjorie and Fred Sanford, Medway, MA
- George and Anne Kells, Charlottetown, PEI
- Joe MacDonald, Mississauga, Ont.
- Dunstan & Joyce MacDonald
Silver - up to $249
- Myrna Babineau, Charlottetown, PEI
- Ruth Cipko, Whitestone, NY
- Jane (Mallard) Coffin - Souris, PEI
- Mr. & Mrs. James Frankowski, Michigan
- Marie Fraser, Prince George, BC
- Charles A. Geiger, Berlin, Germany
- Margaret H. MacDonald, Souris, PEI
- Walter MacDonald, Boston, MA
- Helen F. MacIsaac, Souris, PEI
- Mrs. Isabel MacIsaac, Charlottetown, PEI
- John MacIsaac, Shenectady, NY
- Jean MacLean, Charlottetown, PEI
- Mary MacLeod Leiser, Knight's Landing, CA
- Frances MacPhail, Henderson, Nevada, USA
- George Mullally, Souris West, PEI
- James L. McRae, Tignish, PEI
- Robert & Shirley Pierce, Cornwall, PEI
- Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richwagen & Nicholas, USA
- James & Linda Risdon, San Mateo, CA
- Nancy MacDonald, Teruya, Honolulu, HI, USA
- Ronalda Whalen, Vernon Bridge, PEI
- In Memory of Peter and Annie MacDonald
- In Memory of John MacIsaac (NY)
- Loren Muldowney, Ghent, MN
- Beverly Hinds, Dartmouth, NS
Thanks also to all who have supported and shown interest in the project:
- Dept of Transportation and Public Works for their in-kind assistance
- Hon. Alan V. Campbell, MLA Souris-Elmira
- Mr. Joe O'Keefe
- Parishioners of St. Margarets
- Craig Chapman and Chapman Construction
- Kings County Construction
- Neil Hardy
- Mike MacDonald, Los Angeles, CA - Webmaster
In Memory of Pat Malone Donations
- Total donations from many people of $1860
In Memory of Emma Crossmann Donations
- Total donations of $225