Restoration Committee Objectives

The St Margaret of Scotland Pioneer Cemetery Restoration Committee was formed in 2008.  This volunteer committee is exploring the feasibility of restoring the St. Margaret of Scotland Pioneer Cemetery.   

Committee Objectives:

  1. To professionally restore and maintain the Pioneer Cemetery;
  2. To protect and preserve the rich heritage of the site through the collection
  3. and compilation of stories about people buried there; and
  4. To honour our ancestors and provide a gift for future generations.

Related Activities

1. Promote the project

  • Contacts have been made with other similar restoration projects
  • Participation in the restoration project has been encouraged (article in the Voice for Island Seniors, The Charlottetown Guardian, P.E.I. Heritage Website).
  • An application to the PEI Heritage Foundation has been successful. (The Pioneer Cemetery is now designated as a Heritage place.)

2. Raise funds for the restoration

  • Information and resources have been sought so that the project can proceed.
  • Several applications for start up funds have been submitted (Community Foundation of PEI, Island Community Fund, Service Canada).
  • Invitations have gone out to individuals, families, community groups, for donations for the restoration of the Pioneer Cemetery.
  • A summer activity is being planned for August 9, 2009 as a St Margarets homecoming event fund-raiser for the project
  • Estimates are being sought from Stone Masons regarding the extent of the restoration and the costs to complete the work
  • A Business Plan will be developed to complete the restoration and provide for ongoing maintenance.

3. Begin the restoration

  • Trees and shrubbery at the entrance to the Cemetery and around the stone wall have been cleared. A stone wall or dike around the site has been discovered.
  • A grant from Service Canada has allowed the project to hire a research assistant to collect historical documents, pictures and written histories in order to produce a document about the cemetery and develop a website.